Well, I've been fiddling with this for some time and have seemingly fixed some of the audio issues I have. Nope, not by using pasuspender which did absolutely nothing for me. I started trying to use padsp but strange enough the padsp/oss combination doesn't work.
First thing I did was remove audio from the equation to see how the game genuinely worked in my system. The game stuttered quite a bit so I had to bring down the effects. I think most of the slowdowns had to do with shadows but for documentation sake, I ran with a resolution of 1920 by 1080 with "Enable Fullscreen Effects" and "Enable Water Effects". My texture detail was high and texture filtering was trilinear.
When I got the game reasonably running well (or tolerable), I began to fiddle once again with my user.reg. Here is what I came up with.
The winealsa.drv registry settings points to my digital out from HDMI. I suppose that makes some sense.
I then ran the game: WINEPREFIX="/homedir/.local/share/wineprefixes/tru" wine path\\to\\tru.exe
Truth be told, I don't know why padsp is needed here (or if it is really needed at all!). I will likely try it without the padsp wrapper to see if setting the winealsa.drv devices is enough.
I played the game for a full hour and it seems to work fine. I'll be sure to post back when I find out what caused the buffer underrun issues.
As suspected, padsp is not needed. I will amend the entry now.