Monday, April 30, 2012

A few Linux stuff...

While doing some debugging on some production server, I had a bad bout with daemontools where my script was just failing without errors output.  I spent quite some time reading about this figuring out what went wrong and it just wasn't working out.  I could execute the service run manually but I couldn't via svc -u.  At the end of it, I decided to kill svscanboot and the svscan processes to re-execute the daemontools startup script.  My services ran just fine after.  Phew!  I think what caused it was the killing of readproctitle which is used by daemontools to tell us what happened (by using ps).

As an additional point, I managed to get multilog working by creating this /service/runme/log/run script.  The script basically executes: exec setuidgid user multilog t /location/to/the/log/

Next is fiddling with fonts.  To install fonts, create the .fonts folder and run sudo fc-cache -f (or sudo fc-cache -fv for verbose flag).

Lastly, it seems that I may have to backport wine-1.4.  wine-1.3.33 has served me well, but it is also now pretty old.  Also with this is the latest winetricks backport.

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