Well, as it turns out, clicking the upper left corner lists down the emotes you can do, which renders this list pretty much obsolete.
I figured it would be helpful to provide a list of the emotes that the game provides free players since it seems that when you try to type something, you get the "Restricted to Preferred and Subscribers" message. The list of emotes was derived from this original list I found: Click Here. It is unclear if it is an exhaustive list or not. Either way, the list after the jump.
Well, as it turns out, clicking the upper left corner lists down the emotes you can do, which renders this list pretty much obsolete.
I figured it would be helpful to provide a list of the emotes that the game provides free players since it seems that when you try to type something, you get the "Restricted to Preferred and Subscribers" message. The list of emotes was derived from this original list I found: Click Here. It is unclear if it is an exhaustive list or not. Either way, the list after the jump.
/follow me
/thank you
/flag down (flagging for PVP!)
/raise Hand
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