I wrapped up Mass Effect 1 yesterday and it was an interesting journey after playing Mass Effect 3 so many times and knowing much of the reveals. I was going to move to playing Mass Effect 2 on my Linux box through Wine, but for some reason, it just wouldn't work. I suspect it's because of Origin's activation thing that is tripping up, but after fighting with this for hours, I decided to install it right back on my old Vista laptop.
The next issue I had to fight with was the screenshot taking. I used this
forum thread to help. To make things brief, what you need is to download the ME2CoalescedEditor and point it to your installed Mass Effect 2 path. Then go to the BindingsManager, select the key to use (I used F12) at the bottom left panel, then select "Add New". Type in 'Shot' (capitalizations don't matter, I think) on the command so it looks like:
Bindings=( Name="F12",Command="Shot")
Then, look for the BIOInput tab on the left side tabs and the following trees:
- SFXGameNodeConversation
- SFXGameNodeCinematics
Right click and then select Add Settings, then new single setting. Paste the command above and then exit the editor (it automatically saves the changes).
There are two screenshot folders in Mass Effect 2. The
Bioware/Mass Effect 2/ScreenShots/ is always empty. All screenshots go to
Bioware/Mass Effect 2/BIOGame/Screenshots/.