I wrapped up Mass Effect 1 yesterday and it was an interesting journey after playing Mass Effect 3 so many times and knowing much of the reveals. I was going to move to playing Mass Effect 2 on my Linux box through Wine, but for some reason, it just wouldn't work. I suspect it's because of Origin's activation thing that is tripping up, but after fighting with this for hours, I decided to install it right back on my old Vista laptop.
The next issue I had to fight with was the screenshot taking. I used this forum thread to help. To make things brief, what you need is to download the ME2CoalescedEditor and point it to your installed Mass Effect 2 path. Then go to the BindingsManager, select the key to use (I used F12) at the bottom left panel, then select "Add New". Type in 'Shot' (capitalizations don't matter, I think) on the command so it looks like:
Bindings=( Name="F12",Command="Shot")
- SFXGameNodeConversation
- SFXGameNodeCinematics
There are two screenshot folders in Mass Effect 2. The Bioware/Mass Effect 2/ScreenShots/ is always empty. All screenshots go to Bioware/Mass Effect 2/BIOGame/Screenshots/.
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