Saturday, June 8, 2013

Android cpu usage and disk consumption

I came across an interesting topic on the matter of cpu usage being terribly high on Android tablets.  In my experience and via Watchdog Lite's monitoring, I've deduced that the media scanner in Android is a common resource hog.  I, however, didn't know how to deal with it until now.  Browsing through forums, someone pitched the idea of using a storage analyzer.  This will give you an idea which folders in your system hold the most number of files and which are eating up your space.

Using such tools and there are plenty on Google Play, I found that a lot of the Gameloft games have huge number of files and which ones have large disk space consumption.  Since the media scanner is such a darn plonker and has to scan your entire system, we need to make it stop from the insanity.

What I did was place a bunch of .nomedia files on the largest folders that I know shouldn't be scanned at all.  It seems to help with performance quite a bit!  As far as I can tell, the file also kills folder lookup recursion, so it should help the media scanner behave.  Try it!

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