Saturday, January 18, 2014

This is Insane!

I've begun searching through my Wii U TV signal to find a hopeful possible remote control code to use to interface with my TV.  The old Ovation LCD TV (OVA HKC32A5) is an OEM LCD TV from the manufacturer HKC down in Shen Zhen, China.  Unfortunately, it looks like this is no longer being sold here so I figured finding out a possible replacement for my remote control in case that piece of equipment breaks would be a fine idea.  Nintendo's interface is so sucky though so it's been time consuming going through each of the TV signals from the Wii U's database.  Is it so hard to automate the IR transmission and have a progress bar go through every signal type of every brand and have the user just tap Work or Didn't Work?  Gah!

I've gone from letters A to F brands and probably will resume on the letter G when I turn the machine back on.  The lone success case is Akai Signal Type 10 but it's far from perfect.  The remote signal mapping is totally weird in that signal type.  Pressing Vol + would change my picture mode while pressing INPUT would increase my volume.  0 will open the TV's option menu while 7 scrolls up.  8 enters the menu and also increases the volume (if the menu is not open).  The rest of the buttons do not do anything.

I'll be back with an update if I find a better signal type or with a note if I did not find any signal whatsoever.


Unknown said...

Hi Good Day! Any update regarding the Remote for ovation OVA-HKC32A5?

Anonymous Dimwit said...


My final update on this is at this blog post:

Hope it helps!