Friday, March 8, 2013

Fake USB Pen Drive

My brother was having trouble with a Transcend 8 GB flash drive and brought it to my attention so I could take a closer look.  I could never get the drive to work on Linux, but I never knew why.  I also didn't ever get a chance to take a closer look at it.

Once I began digging into it, I started to see something interesting with this drive.  According to Linux, it bore the Vendor ID: 0011 and the Product ID: 7788 and all over the internet, I saw plenty of references to point to me that it is a fake flash disk.  They also recommended to use ChipGenius to see just what the actual disk was.  Here is what it yielded me:

So ChipGenius says it's... 
VID: 058F PID: 1234.  
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro 
Chip Part-Number: SC708 (FC8708)/AU6987/AU6990 - F/W 2EDD
Flash ID Code: 98D59432 - Toshiba - ICE/Single Channel [MLC-8k] -> Total Capacity = 2 GB

I will look for the FC8708 MP Tool to see if it's the one that will resurrect this.

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