Sunday, December 16, 2012

Uninstalling Adobe Reader 9 Linux (SH installer)

I found out a tad bit late that Adobe didn't package 64-bit versions of the Reader so my 64-bit Firefox machine couldn't pick up the plugin.  I went ahead and dug up how to uninstall this dumb plugin.  Most of it is in /opt/Adobe/Reader9 which contains most of the stuff, but you might discover that you still have shortcut icons on it especially if you use the Dash Home search.

Check /usr/local/share/applications and your desktop for the AdobeReader.desktop file and purge them.  Then, look for the plugin install paths in /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins and /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.

I didn't find anymore traces after that so you should be fine after.

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