Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Codemasters' F1 Online Beta

It's a decent browser game but they really need to fix a lot of things.
  1. I can tell that this game is going to be a buy to win style.
  2. The physical collisions,  shunts and dirty driving really detract from the experience.
  3. They should give the option for keyboard controls and the chase camera angle because the game doesn't look bad and some guys want a more conventional driving game.  The mouse is serviceable but it can get disorienting.
  4. Penalties for hitting the grass is not severe enough.  Several cars are able to cut corners and actually drive faster than those who honestly go around the circuit.
  5. Post race penalties.  Dirty driving needs to be punished.  What better way to do it than applying time penalties after the race?
  6. Linux port of Unity Webplayer.  Seriously... it's not even funny.

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