I'll keep this brief. I tried installing the Witcher Card game beta some time back and had to use the /verysilent parameter to get through. Had some error messages but the game worked. It looks like the update facilities do not work on Wine so I may have to re-download the installer and get a new version.
Currently, I'm trying to install Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut. Ran into some install issues so looking over at WineHQ, I found some list of components to install.
$ winetricks d3dx10 d3dx9_26 d3dx9_28 d3dx9_31 d3dx9_35 d3dx9_36 d3dx9_39 d3dx9_42 d3dx9_43 d3dx9 directx9 physx vcrun2003 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun6sp6 vcrun6 wmp10 xact_jun2010 xact xinput
Ran into the same empty message window again, so I'm running the setup with the /verysilent parameter.
Update: I think that the additional packages may have broken x360ce on Wine. My previously configured ini file seems to work though so I just copied it into the folder. There seems to be no added benefit to the libraries. Direct3D 10 doesn't work so you have to run Assassin's Creed using the Direct3D 9 binary.
Also, the Witcher Adventure Multiplayer Beta no longer works, it seems. It doesn't recognize the account as part of the closed beta.
Update: I think that the additional packages may have broken x360ce on Wine. My previously configured ini file seems to work though so I just copied it into the folder. There seems to be no added benefit to the libraries. Direct3D 10 doesn't work so you have to run Assassin's Creed using the Direct3D 9 binary.
Also, the Witcher Adventure Multiplayer Beta no longer works, it seems. It doesn't recognize the account as part of the closed beta.