Thursday, September 27, 2012

EXCON Parser in TCL

Had a little programming fun implementing an EXCON parser.  This is implemented using TCL (as always) and basically prints out "Hello World!".  Nothing more than a simple exercise.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012



Monday, September 17, 2012

New Dark Age Chronicle Fan Fiction Entry

I have finished a new one and it's entitled "The Grendal".  The fourth installment in the Dark Age Chronicles Fan Fiction.  Have at it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Finishing up another story...

Finishing up the latest entry into the Dark Age Chronicles fan fiction.  Then it might take a while before I write.  Hoping this next project will make it out the door.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Firefox and 64-bit Flash

Just a teeny tiny note here.  I realized when I download Firefox from the official website, my 64-bit flash player plugin stop working.  As it turns out, Firefox is giving me 32-bit versions of the browser.

To get the 64-bit versions, check here:

Another note is that Flashplayer 11.2 has a bug where nvidia users get inverted colours.  Seems to be related to the hardware acceleration.  Just decided to downgrade instead.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bastion Update (minor)

Bastion hasn't worked since day 1.  Let's get that out of the way.  The DllNotFoundException being tossed around seems to be a red herring as well.  I used strace to check what the paths the game is looking at when loading the shared object, and sure enough it finds just fine.  Maybe it's a 32-bit shared object being used?  The output on file suggests it is a 64-bit library.  

I'm not certain just what it is it is trying to load but poking through Super Giant Games' MonoGame source tree though enlightening wasn't exactly pointing me to the right direction.  My friend told me to just compile this to get Bastion running, but I'm pretty sure Super Giant Games didn't include the cs source code of the actual game.  It's just the engine!

That being said, it looks like the point of failure is somewhere in FMOD, if the exception being shown is accurate at all.  The call right before the FMOD.Factory.System_Create points to the use of some  wrapper library from within FMOD itself failing which may probably force the library to unload and yield the dreaded exception.

Sadly, Super Giant Games' support doesn't seem to operate properly because they haven't actually replied to my email.  Great effort in providing a Linux client and then just leave us to figure out the mess.  Smart move guys.